Student info

Here below you can find some useful information

Book Online

Please find here the procedure to subscribe with ED

Level Test​

Please note that these tests are not used for placement into a class. When you arrive at the school on your first day, you will need to complete the Official IELKS Placement test.ED

Non-EU Students

Before you leave for a new destination, please check if you need a visa or if there are other travel restrictions due to public health and safety issues.

Health Insurance

IELKS World requires that all learners have travel and health insurance.

Terms & Conditions

Flexible Bookings – Great Terms and Conditions

Policies & Regulations​

Student Policies and Regulations

Class Rules

Respect, Discipline, Enjoyment, Happiness and Great Learning

Code of Conduct​

Our Values

If you have a specific query which cannot be answered from the information above, please contact us: